Thursday, November 02, 2006
just finish one paper today.. losta of events happened during this exam period.. there was a time for joy, time for happiness and time for tears..
firstly, Mira have already went back to Korea.. we had a small farewell for her the night before she flew off.. as the college head told us that we are not suppose to have any gathering in or around the area of Howitt during exam period.. we had a small "pinic" at the lake.. For my friends who are not here, there is a lake near the halls. actually, it's a small park with a lake in the middle.. as the weather that night was pretty alright, we just sat on the grass and chat and drank to bid Mira farewell..


Next, Zoe's graduation!! We (people from the halls) went to congrats her.. took lotsa of pictures.. well, it will be my turn soon!! anw, after the pictures session, we went to JP noodles for noodles... haha.. duh..
6:54 PM