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Monash University
Currently in Melbourne
05 July 1985


good food
hanging with friends




Hui Yu
Pei Lin
Shu Fen
Shu Qing
Xiao Mei



May 2005- June 2005- July 2005- August 2005- September 2005- October 2005- November 2005- December 2005- January 2006- February 2006- March 2006- April 2006- May 2006- June 2006- July 2006- September 2006- October 2006- November 2006- February 2007- March 2007- April 2007- May 2007- June 2007-



Friday, December 30, 2005

Haven't been blogging for quite some time and Shu Fen has started complaining. Haha. I didn't know I have loyal readers. Hee.
Anyway, I have started working for Ernst & Young (EY) and ever since I started work, everyone keeps asking me the same questions. Haha. "How is work?"
And, I would always reply with a word... "tiring". Hee.
Currently, auditing for one of the company whose accounts and invoices are in a mess! I have a hard time looking for the right documents. Sigh. I am allocated to this senior A (she shall remain nameless). Well, she is quite nice la, but she looks rather fierce. When I always ask her questions, I must take a peek if she is busy. And then called her slowly. Haha. Like a small mouse walking towards a cat. Hahahaha. I think I am suppose to follow her till the end of my attachment bah.
Anyway, in this team, I have another senior B. She is VERY nice. And, I mean really nice and friendly (as compared to A la). Haha. However, she would be send to another team next week after we finish auditing for this company.

Although, I have started work for almost a week now, but I seldom go back to the main office in raffles place. In fact, I only stayed in the office for less than 2 hours for my first day there. And then, I was brought out by A to go to client's place to start auditing. Haha. Then, for the rest of the week, I went to the client's place straight from home. No need to wake up so early. Yeah. Haha.

Anyway, for those who want to meet me for lunch or something during my lunch break, I would in office next tue but I don't think I would be there for long. Cause, I still need to go down to the client's place later on. Sorry. Maybe we could meet up after Jan 5. As my team is suppose to clear out of this client's by Jan 5. So we meet then k. hee.

hmm... What else to blog??

Well, I am meeting pao pao and cindy tml. Haha. I guess we should be fill each other with our work experience with different clients. It's a pity we got allocated to different department. Oh well, let's hope we may get to meet each other somewhere in the office bah. Haha. Oh oh, anyway, we sort of suggested that we would go skiing together after I go to Australia. Haa, I'm looking forward to it since we are in the same state. Moreover, pao pao is in the same campus as me. Haha. So we would still see more of each other. Hee.

mmm.. on a more personal note, I am still waiting for someone to ask me something. haha.. well, i guess i would just wait then......

9:15 PM

Friday, December 23, 2005

Training at EY has already ended. I have to learnt audit and practice it with the case study given to us during training. I think I am the only or maybe one of the few Year 2 students working as a VT in EY. So, I am like a complete dummy during training. As the trainer would use professional short terms to explain the concepts, procedures and etc during training and I always need to turn to person next to me and ask what the full term was.

Day 1 of training,
Orientation was boring. Tiffany and I went in late and when we entered the room, OMG!!! So many people! I got quite a shocked. Anyway, they showed us a video on the operation of the company and etc. Then, the most interesting and exciting news was the best VT this year would have the chance to fly to Florida to meet the other VT of EY from different countries to meet the CEO of EY and of course to interact with the other VTs. How cool is that! How I wish I was the one chosen but I shall not build castle in the air. I don't think they would dare to send a year 2 student who hasn't even done the audit module to represent Singapore. Haha. Anyway, for the rest of the day, the trainer went through theory, it is some audit methodology which is supposed to be learnt in one semester. However, as quite a number of VTs have already done their audit module, she just spent like 15 or 20 minutes or so on each step. Well, it was dry and boring k. anw, I don't think I remember much now. Haha. Oops.

Day 2 of training,
It was SO tiring as we did quite a lot. We prepared the audit working papers and then auditing cash AND auditing current liabilities. Gosh, that was a lot for one day! Actually, I enjoy auditing cash and current liabilities maybe like a bit only. Haha. That's because I manage to finish doing and reasoning the case study within the time given. Hee. Overall, that day, I was mentally and physically tired. Mentally, cause we were like sitting in our seats working out all the invoices and all, keeping drinking hot tea to keep awake and keep warm ( hee, I don't like coffee). Physically, cause my heels are like killing me! We have to wear cover toed heels. The heels don't hurt. It is the cover toed part that hurts a LOT! I have blister for both toes

Day 3 of training,
Learnt to audit PPE. Now, I still don't really understand. Dieeeee... I really hope I won't get to do that. Cause, I really really still don't undertand.

Overall, I am really glad to have known a few friends who I can really relate to in EY. I guess all 4 of us has something in common – our heels always get stuck in drains or whatsoever that has a gap on the floor, and, all of us except tiffany got blister on our feet. There was me, "bao bao", cindy and tiffany. However, I guess we should be going to different departments of AABS.

Met up with them today, and tiffany and I became kind of like a tour guide for bao bao and cindy. As bao bao hasn’t been back in Singapore for quite a while, she became quite rusty with the ways and cindy is not a Singaporean, so we have to show them the "way". Hee. We exchange Christmas presents too. as I am not a Christian, Christmas to me is just another holidays. But, it is quite fun receiving presents. Haha. =P
I got a present from bao bao and tiffany got a present from me!
Hope she likes my present.

And, a Merry Christmas to all!

10:40 PM

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Haven't been updating my blog lately. Guess I have become lazier ever since exams ended. Hee.
Went back to TMC to hand in my school fees and amenities fee for the hall.
Went for facial and massage with my mom yesterday! Soooooo comfortable!!
Also, shop around tangs and taka for a while. Got three very nice tops! Hee.

Hmm.. what else to update???

Ey... doing my budget right now, and a list of things that I need to bring over to Australia.

Attachment is starting soon. I hope it is nothing scary! And, I hope that I would be LESS stressful than qing. Hah, hers was OMG!!! She has to learn Singapore tax in 2 DAYS!!! I would die if I was in her place. Now, I really pei fu ni!!

10:33 PM

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

It has been quite a while since I blogged. Hmm, what should I write???
Well, it was quite a busy week last week. I have been going out everyday!!! And, most of my friends choose to meet at Orchard. Don’t know why, but, I also anything one. So, I having going down to Orchard to meet up with friends the past few weeks.

Anyway, the most memorable and the most ENJOYABLE gathering was last Thursday with my Sec sch friends! That night was filled with LAUGHTER AND TEARS! I almost cried!!! Haha. Not because I was sad or anything. But, I laughed till I almost cried. Mavis wasted a lot of tissue papers. Winnie became lamer and more auntie. Hee *wink* well... actually, she upgraded from Ah Ma to Auntie. Felicia became the "mo mo ren" and she went totally crazy about a sticky chewy chocolate! LOL. Poor Gracie, became the victim of Winnie's "attack". Well, all in all, we were like laughing at her through out! Haha. Shu Fen the "linguistic professor" was editing Grace through the dinner! Haha. Lastly, Jin Yu became 20!! Haha. Happy Birthday! (opps, I think my post came a little to late) Hee.

Here are some pictures that we took! Enjoy~




Then, last sun was JLPT at the Japanese School. I had vocabulary, listening and grammar all together in one day. With 20 mins break in between each tests. Hmm.. the Japanese Primary School is SOOOO HUGE k!! OMG! I just wish I had taken some pics of the school. They have this playground with slide on the top of a hill!! Like from some theme parks. Then, the exterior appearance of school doesn’t look like primary school lor. More of university! (okay, maybe Poly) It is damm nice lor and the area is really quite big. Very spacious!
The class rooms are like those in Japan. They have slide wooden doors, tables with a small hook to hang your bags, wooden flooring, air-conditioned somemore... Anyway, we were asked to remove our shoes and put into the small wooden cupboard before entering the rooms. So JAP right!! The class room that I took my test in was a pri 4 class 1. the cute pics and writing were deco all over the classroom. Very neat and beautifully done. *impressed* Oh another thing, I knew that this was a Japanese School, so it is usual that they have Japanese character all over the classroom. However, I observed that in the front notice board, there was this “notice” in Malay!? Erm, they actually learn Malay too!!!
Anyway, JLPT 4 is over! Yay!! (not that I have been studying for it la, but it is over) Hee.

Just received EY’s contract today. It was dated dec 2! And I only got it on the 6th!? Hmm.. going to be a little busy the next few days. need to settle monash stuffs, then work stuffs........

well, that's all folks! =P

10:56 PM