Sunday, July 24, 2005
I'm starting to feel the heat and pressure le. First accounting assignment is due on the 8 of Aug. For me, classes are starting tomorrow, and there are already some people who have already gotten their financial statement
DONE!! *SHOCKED* oh-kayy... I haven't even print out my notes or read the text yet. haha. I think I better get started otherwise I'll be loss again.
Is my name really that easy and simple to remember?? haha. It is really nice having people to remember your name but it is not that nice in class. Because.. my jap teacher keep calling me (-_-) haha. And my conversation skills are like SUPER lousy, so everytime when she call me, I'll just turn to xiao mei for HELP! haha. And, she will everytime purposely call on me and not xiao mei. *hmpf* not fair! haha.. Okay gal, let's both do well for the up coming shiken!
6:06 PM
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Gosh! Holidays are ending soon! Time REALLY flies. I'm not fully recharged yet and I'm faced with assignments datelines again. Just set up my timetable and I realised my first accounting assignment is due after my second accounting class. Ahhhh, so fast! Haha. And, this semester lecturer really suck okay. Got Asit for accounting again! GRR.. haha. (guess I'll have to depend on myself again)
Anyway, I went down to Orchard again with my mum, accompanied her down for a check-up. Haha. Met Dr Teh again, haha, and I've to listen to his naggy speech again! (-_-). And why? This is because my mum who is so naughty didn't take his advice on certain matter. Thus.. he NAGGED at me and so in turn I'll nagged my mum!! Dieow.. As the clinic is near to taka. Okay, more of beside Taka la. Haha. And, in order not to waste our time and train fare, we went to shop again and we really spent a lot *oops*. OMG! Feeling so guilty now! Haha.
10:19 AM
Friday, July 22, 2005

the birthday gal

Happy birthday!! haha. may all ur wishes come true on this special day of urs ^_^
8:17 PM
Friday, July 15, 2005
13 JUL - met up with my sec sch friends (grace, shufen, fel, mavis). haha, FINALLY mavis showed up. she seems to went into MIA after our last class gathering which is eh... 3 yrs ago?? haha.. we went thai express cos me n fel were having financial crisis. hee. all those interesting stuffs that we talked abt during dinner really brought back a lot of wonderful memories. haha. However, for the m'sia trip, mavis and I have like ZERO impression. haha.. were we even there??? haha
alright, then later on went to K-box with mavis and grace. *warning!! if u ever wanna sing with grace make sure u can hit her HIGH pitches* hee ^_^ had fun with u gals though.
14 JUL - met up with my jc friends (dian, jia, sy, joan, elle, suff). well, actually we had a gathering earlier in the mth, 4 jul i think.. haha.. went to breeks instead of nydc cos we (me, sy, elle, joan) were too lazy to walk there le. =P as usual, had a dinner and we started gossiping.. haha.. well, what else can u expect when u have a grp of gals together. *ahem* including suff la that is like more of a "sister" to us.. haha (okay, he is gonna kill me for that) haha.. talk abt L-O-R-A -_-''' and those fun jc days, first 3 mths and blah blah.. haha.. the most memorable days i think were the days when we put up the play for lit! those rehearsals we had were totally hilarious!! LOL And, those PE times *erm, besides those training days where u have to keep running*.. haha, i'll always remember the huge bruise sy got on her leg as a result of floorball. well, i think our class fav sports are.. floorball, soccer, capital ball and what else? haha, cos in the end pe will end up as a laughing session. we talked a lot and erm, again, i got blurred some where during the conversation.. haha.. am i there again??
hee, k la.. we went coffee club for cakes!! shared a muddy mud and strawberry shortcake with jia and elle. heh, i think the strawberry shortcake was the BEST! =P
gosh, i think i'm really broke now.. haha.. my card is going on a deficit liaoz... dieow.. alright, need to save up now!
*NOTICE!! to grace, shufen and singyee! pls clear ur inbox. my mail got bounce back. haha.. if u guys still wanna photos catch me online then. cheers ^_^
3:08 PM
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
"A puppy's job is to sleep"
awww, so lucky! hee, that's what I'm doing now before sch starts. haiz, when sch starts it is back to the owl's timing again. it is when u get almost no slp at night, and feel so sleepy in the morning, as u trying rushing to meet all those datelines.
collected all my texts, except for corporation law and trust which is not in sg yet. marketing seems to be getting more difficult as the reader becomes thicker and thicker. aiyo... みな、がんばって ください!
1:02 PM
Monday, July 11, 2005
Rule 1: Never wear glasses when driving. Only contact lenses are allowed. heh. well, actually it is my own personal preferences. LOL
Rule 2:
DON'T ever listen or trust one who has NO license to give you the correct directions!
Rule 3: Pls try not to talk to me when I'm driving cause I get distracted quite easily.
Rule 4: Turn the air-con that is facing me elsewhere. cos my hands get cold easily and moreover it wld oso cos my eyes to be dry.
Did I mention how annoying little brother can get? haha. It seems that I've became is personal driver le. sianz -_- hehe. Drove him to CCK stadium for competition last week. erm, and I only know how to get to CCK but dunno where is the stadium *blush* hee.. Jia became my walking street directory that day.
Thanks a lot, babe! ;) In the end, we did find the stadium after wasting so much oil. haha.. Then, today, this boy oso last minute tell me that he got competition at CCK again. So, my mum and I had to drive him down to CCK again. But this time round I remember the route. Normally, on the expressway, most car will speed. hee, so I sped too *guilty* i only went up to 100km/hr then i start putting my foot on the brake.. haha.. cos it is really quite fast and scarcy. As in, when u go too fast, u will have to really control the car. hee, my car did went a teeny weeny hay-wire. And, I really did learn my lesson not to speed! cause it is rather dangerous, plus those big and heavy lorries are really intimidating when they are beside me.
On sunday, normally I will have Jap class in the morning, THEN my bro who postpone his tution due to the competition was very reluctant to go for tution. And, he starts giving me the wrong directions to his tution teacher's hse. As a result, I made a lot of illegal turnings and U-turn... In the end, I drove him straight to the mental hospital! LOL! cos it was to late to turn then so i drove staright into the mental hospital. well, I would say the environment there is not bad. I would say it is rather neat and clean. haha..
Conclusion: est's rule 2 & 3 is very true! And, dear friends pls try to obliged them if any of you ever DO get the chance to sit in my car. haha ^_^
9:24 PM
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
celebrated my 20th birthday yesterday. It was o-k-a-y.. haha.. a big thank you to all my dearest friends who remembered my birthday. thanks for all the sms, calls n gifts *hugz*
yesterday was quite
memorable cause i got sabo. went out with qing in the afternoon, actually i only wanted ice-creams.. but it turned out to be quite a surprise. and, QING!! i trusted u so much. how could u smashed my face into the cake.. haha.. okay, but i'm "very" forgiving. (i'll smashed urs next year) *evil grinz* anyway, thanks guys (shuqing, pearline, aloysius n bryan) for the surprise!
at night, had a simple dinner with my family cause we had a scrumptious meal on sun already. had another chocolate cake which was filled with cream (almost the same with the cake in the afternoon) *faint* lolz ^_^
12:24 PM
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Met out with my uni friends on wed... had a gathering cos Daphne leaving for Melbourne on sun.. we sat in nydc ordered our drinks and chatted. Through our conversation, we can see that she is sad to leave.. She doesn't like her friends telling her to "take care" cos it seem like she is never returning.. haha.. well, I think it is actually kinda of brave that she is going over there alone.. we took a lot of pics at hereen... hahahaha.. out of sudden, daphne became the idol. everyone took a solo pic with her. (will upload the pics once grace send them to me, haha)
As for me, I should be leaving next year late jan.. I just hope that I would not miss home.. a little sad but I still got another half a year to be with my friends and family.
Anyway, I'm sorry that I can't send daph off on sun =( BUT, all the best! And bon voyage!!
2:13 PM